The series tells the story of a boy named Allen Walker, a member of an organization of Exorcistswho makes use of an ancient substance called Innocence to combat theMillennium Earl and his demonic army of akuma.
D.gray-man presented to me a world that is said to be brighter than white and darker that black, where the good and the evil and very much differentiated until Allen Walker the protagonist appear. His left eye has been cursed when he turned his own foster father into an akuma, hence allowing him to see an Akuma's soul. His left arm possesses the anti-Akuma weapon. Later in the chapters, Allen realised that he has to use love to win this war, and this love is not only give to the humans but also given to the akumas, who are the victims of tragedies created by the Millenium Earl. Therefore he states that his left side is for akumas and his right side is for humans, making him the GREY in this world of black and white. Even later it is discovered that Allen too possesses the memories of the 14th Noah. Supposedly a Noah is an enemy but yet Allen also has an innocence that allowed him to be Exorcist, this make him into the grey shade again, half-good and half-evil.
It is this interesting character that gives inspiration on a deeper level of darkness and light and how lights will go on again because one always has the ability to create light. I am interested to give one of my characters, the thoughts and determination of Allen, the fact that he wants to love the good and the evil at the same time and bring light to the darkness in both the white and the black world.
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