Monday, September 26, 2011

[WRITING] Valerie's coursework :)

 Valerie's coursework is one of my personal favourite (not just because she's my classmate okay)
I felt that her coursework not only has a very clear message, but she also expressed it in a very creative way.

The coursework consists of 3 paintings and 3 chairs.
Each of the paintings will pair with one chair and together they represents one stage of a person's life.
The whole series is then linked together with a cup - a representation of one's dreams.

The first painting shows a girl at the CHILD stage, with lots of dreams and hope contained within the cup.
The chair that accompanied this painting is a toddler's chair. It is very very stable.
In this stage of our life, we are probably the happiest and most stable.
We don't know about the future hence we don't fear the future.
So we dare to have dreams.

The second painting shows the girl growing up a little, becoming a TEENAGER.
In the painting she is trying to reach out for her cup but because the cup is placed at a high place she is losing her balance.
The chair is also incredibly unstable, with one leg shorter than the other three.
It is not a comfortable or even safe stage of our life. We try to realise the dreams we had when we were young but we realised that they are not as simple to achieve as we though they were.
Dreams may then be broken.

The third painting probably shows they girl at the TEEN stage.
Having broken the cup once, she is trying to amend it so that she can dream once again.
The chair for this painting is very narrow and it has a very slanted back which makes you feel scared when you try to lean back, like there's no support.
The damage done to our dreams left scars, making us fearful.
This is the time when we have to put in a lot of trust and motivation in ourselves to move one
and try again.

I really like this work because it is very closely linked with what we are experiencing at this age.
Also, Valerie has put in a lot of effort, studying the mechanics of chair-building while doing her paintings!
It's very commendable!

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